All Work and All Play...
Over and Out...
Last Saturday was Game 1 of the World Series. The crew got together as usual to cheer on da White Sox. A hard fought battle it was but the Sox came out on top at the end, 5-3. I had a lot to drink during the game. I didn't make matters any better when I decided to go to my cousin's job that night after the game. My cousin works for the Hilton as security for the bar and restaurant. Two words you only need to know when I go there: OPEN BAR. That pretty much explains the rest of the night. Scummy drunk and happy, not to mention that I have a softball game at 9am. I got home at about 6am. The next time that I saw da clock, it read 9:12am. I was definitely late. This was a problem. A problem because our team had to win the 9am game to play in the 10am game and I wasn't there. I'm rushing up North now, not knowing if my team has won or lost. Luckily when I arrived, I was happy to find out that we won the first game. So I was able to play in the second game. We played the top team in the league. We gave them a good battle but we fell short. The season is over. I had a lot of fun, despite pulling my hamstring. The team is getting together on Thursday to hang out so that will be cool. Since I'm healthy I want to play in a volleyball league but it probably won't happen until January.
Good Work...
I have been working out pretty well. I work on the upper body on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I ran yesterday on the Chicago State track before I went to watch the game. My hamstring feels good. My wind is coming back, and my back is feeling real good. Now if I can more selective about my eating and drinking I'll be okay. With the winter coming up, I will focus more on my workout. I should be where I want to be by the spring.
Speaking of Focus...
I have an interview coming up on Friday with Mid America Bank, and maybe some more interviews in the very near future. For some reason, I am excited. I normally don't get excited for job because I don't like working for people. This is different and I was able to put a finger on it as to my excitement. Unlike the other times that I working jobs, I have a vision. I have distinct focus that only I can feel. I know now what to do with what I get. Kind of a broad statement hunh? I'll explain. I know what to do with my money for example when I get paid. To me, it doesn't matter if I have a job that pays me $30,000 or a job that pays me $90,000. You may think differently. Like duh!!! DO1, it's a $60,000 difference. That is true, in some eyes, not mime. It's what you do with it when you get it. I know now what to do with it. By investing my money into things that will bring me the assets that I long for, by investing into the information that I need to succeed, by investing the time that it takes to reach my goals, will making working exciting. I wouldn't give a shit about the $60,000 difference. I will be a millionaire in five years and IT WILL HAPPEN.
Wake Up...
I was talking to a friend the other day. She brought up school and asked if I had any intentions of going back. I told happily no. She didn't understand. She told that I am very talented and smart and I shouldn't let that go to waste. I told her to not worry because I will not let that happen. Then I went on to explain to her that people need to wake up, including her. This is no longer the Industrial Age, where you go to school and get that supposedly 'secure job' with those bomb benefits. This is the Information Age, where it's all about obtaining information to survive. Work smart, not hard? Information Age. What I realized is that there is so much information out here that can make your dreams come true. So much information that people are begging to give this information out. People are programmed to society and it's sad. The Industrial Age is over. If you want to be rich or wealthy, you will not get it by working for someone else. By you working for someone else, don't you realize that you are making someone else rich or wealthy. Anytime that you buy something to eat or some clothing that you are helping someone else get to where they want to be. Don't you want a piece of that??? I do. I could talk forever about this but I will save it for another post. This is just the beginning. You haven't heard the last of me.
Drink of the Day...
Wet Pussy...(had this on Saturday)
1 oz. Chambord
2 oz. Irish Cream
6 oz. Milk
Chambord, Cream, and Milk goes into the shaker with ice...
Shake, strain, and pour into glass...
If you want more rich taste, I learned to put less milk...
Good nevertheless...
-Da Original 1-
Chambord and cream? I can't imagine how that would taste. Hmm. Glad you are doing well! I need to get back into my gym routine. *yawning* :0)
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