Thursday, September 15, 2005

Just Writin'...

Game Sunday...

My other softball league started last Sunday. I got there to the suprise of seeing games being played already. Come to find out that they were having a 12-inch Men's Tournament. People who were scheduled to play were shocked like I was. I was working on three hours sleep from the night before when I..... can't They will decide whether to play a double or to add an extra week to the season. We decided to just play a pickup game since we were already out there. We won 15-7. I played exceptional defense and do feel that my body is getting back to the shape that I prefer it to be in, which is good.

Checked out the Bears/Redskins game. Even though they need some improvement, i like what I saw in the Bears. Great defense, but the offense needs some tuning, will get it over time. Next Sunday we have the Lions, who the Bears should take care of. My friend got tickets for the Bears/Falcons game on December 18, a Sunday night game. Last year was tight, with renting the RV, deep fryin' turkeys, tons of alcohol, tailgatin' at its finest. Should be the same this year.

Back to the drawing board...

The job I was tempin' for, ARC Disposal, disposed me as of 09/08. It was a shocker to me, but shit happens. To this day I don't know why they did what they did, but it's cool. I didn't expect to be there long anyway. It was to just hold me until one of the more perferable careers came through for me. I was trying to wait on starting some businesses until I got some things in order, but it looks like I may have to start them now and just deal with those issues as I go long, which may be better for me. I am still goal-driven, and still on line to do what I said what I was going to do back on Jan 1. If I knew what I know now, five years ago, ain't no tellin. I'm so exciting on what I'm trying to do now, and people will see me blossom in due time.

The Lackluster Lovelife...

I can just imagine when I think about this talking to my grandfather who lives in Beaumont, Texas. Every time we conversate, the first question that he asks me is, "How's you lovelife Japoopy?" I always answer with jokingly comments but it all I usually never have one. I am always told by a lot of women that I am a good person, and any woman would be happy to have me. So tired of hearing that bullshit I am... Or I hear: You're a cool brotha, but I'm not the one for you. There's a girl out there for you. I mean where does she reside, Australia? I was talking to this one girl. We were cool and did things when we have time to, but there was a problem. I found myself always calling her. I initiate everything,"You wanna go here?, You wanna check this out tonight?" She rarely calls at all, never asks me to do anything. What's weird about this situation is that when I make plans to hang out, she is always down for it. I wouldn't call her for a while to see if she would call, but I'll end up calling and we'll go out. Now I have stopped calling her all together. I'm tired of putting 100% in women, to only get less than 1% back. It shouldn't be that way. I don't know what to do now. I will not worry about it now and just continue on improving myself and reachin' my goals, or maybe I can try to pursue one of my crushes,LOL...

Back in commission...

I just got some high-speed internet for my computer yesterday, so I will be back online everyday again. I couldn't blog like I wanted to because of this but I can now. I have to put some security on my computer today which will not be a problem. I'm getting a new browser, and will clean up my computer as well, especially if I am going to start some businesses on it. Don't need anyone stealin' anything from me ya heard.

Drink of the Day...

Panty Dropper...

1 oz. Kahlua
1 oz. Sloe Gin

Fill glass w/ice...
Pour in Kahlua and Sloe Gin...
Then fill w/half-and-half...

-Da Original 1-


At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Therrrreee you are! Welcome back! *cheering*

At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey J!!!! long time no hear from...good to see you again.

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Speedy aka Security said...

What's up Japoopy? Sorry, had to say that. Nicknames always crack me up, especially if they're from family.
Sorry about being let go, we all go through it at one time or another, good luck with Union P, congrats on the hi speed, etc. Had to make my comments quick before I get busted. I'll be back later.


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