Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Just felt like Writin'...or Do I?...

Crossin' over to da tracks...

I receive a call last week from Union Pacific to invite me to a hiring session, which is tomorrow at 7:30 in the morning. I am excited about da opportunity. All those applications that I did for several railroads, and I finally get to possibly see da light at da end of da tunnel. If I get this job, it will be so on. This may be what I need to get me started on my journey to financial freedom. I have so many ideas, so many plans to do in the next three to five years, and I need a base. This could be it. So wish me luck, I'll let ya know how it go down.

Speechless about Katrina...

I also had wanted to talk about the Hurricane that hit da Gulf, but I get so sad and frustrated when I think about it, or read it in the paper, or see photos on TV, I can't write about it right now. I have two friends that live down there and I can't reach them at all. I have almost come to tears several times this week when I hear people on the radio who can't get in touch with loved ones. I hope to hear from my friends one day soon. When I feel better about da situation, I'll write about it.

Sorry, No drink today...

-Da Original 1-

Monday, August 15, 2005

A DO1 Sighting.....

This just in!!!!!

The Ying-Yang Twins have just gone platinum!...

I feel like throwin' up!!!

What is this world comin' to?...

Where have I been???

It's been a month since my last post on my blog. With limited access to the computer and me never being at home, I did not think once about my blog. Maybe I need a break or something. I don't know. I have had plenty going on and a lot to talk about but....what happen to me is still a mystery... Let's try to run this down... From working to reading to movies in the park to jazz concerts to softball games to working out to many more, I have been quite occupied. I have a regained focus on what I need to do with myself and that's what I'm going to do. Despite what anyone says about me, I will see to it that I accomplish what I want to do. I had to take some time out from the computer and from some people to find this lost vision, but better late that never. To this I say, "It is what it is!"....

Friday 8/12/05...

I went to work that day. It was a very smooth day for the most part. Nothing too dramatic happened at work. I had a softball game @ Union Park. We won 14-10 in a headbanger battle. I had three hits (2 doubles, 1 single) and made a nice running catch. I was really tired after the game for some reason. Maybe because I had been out all week. After that I went to G-Cue to see the bloggers, where my presence was not expected due to my lack of communication. It was nice to see them again. Although I was tired and not really talkative like usual, I wish that we could have went bowling. After that I went to play basketball @ the park. Wasn't really effective since I was..(YOU GUESS IT!) tired. So I then rolled over to see my friend who was in town for the weekend. It was nice to see her, even though I saw her two weeks ago. I eventually got home at some time.

Saturday 8/13/05...

I ran my sister to the hair shop and picked her up. Then I decided to go see my god-daughter. I ended up playing with her and playing Super Mario Bros 3 on the Nintendo with her momma. Her momma made some white chicken chili that was bangin'. I also played cards that night with some friends. I got in around 5 am maybe.

Sunday 8/14/05...

Since we won on Friday, we didnt have to play on Sunday. I read the rules to this softball league that I will be joining on Sept 11 (feel free to come see me play) when I woke up. My friend that I saw on friday wanted to go to Calypso Cafe. So there we went, she had plantain nachos (because she has a plantain head), and I had the half chicken jerk. Jetted out there and hung out with her family the rest of the day since I had not seen them in a while. I shot home and played a game of ESPN Football before I called it a night.

On tap for this week...

Monday....White Sox game...

Tuesday...Work, and Movie in the Park. Now Showing: "The Hustler"

Wednesday....My sister's and a trip to Red Lobster.

Thursday...A friend's birthday, but work and bowling or stay home and watch football...

Friday...Work and a softball game, last one until 9/11/05

Saturday...Suprisingly open, but I may catch the White Sox and Yankees....

Sunday...Air and Water Show....BBQ and Beer....

In between there, I will get some reading and working out done.

In the midst of all this. I somehow get sleep, lol...

A funny thing also occured after Friday night. I realized that I have a CRUSH on two of the female bloggers. One of them maybe already know it while the other one really has no clue at all. I don't know why I feel this way but it was like a light bulb in my head. Of course I will NOT tell you who these two bloggers are. Revealing the names of my crushes will not do me any good. It's just a crush, and we all know that crushes eventually die down and die out. So maybe I will let the crushes die down or maybe I will pursue one of them. What do you people think?...

Drink of the Day...

Comfortable Martini...

2 oz. Southern Comfort
1/2 oz. Cranberry Juice
1/2 oz. Orange Juice

Shake or stir...

Garnish with a cherry...

-Da Original 1-