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I received two voice mail yesterday. They both were a bunch of laughs. It was regarding the previous post of "Open Thoughts #1". I did manage to read it over to realize that there is something totally wrong with me, but it was FUNNY.
A Date With Da Hard Rock.......Floor?
"Did anyone by chance see the 'MIME' on 'American Idol' last night?" I was at the gym last night. I was riding the bike while I was watching American Idol. When I saw the performance of the MIME, I was like ..."WTF??"...and my foot slipped off the pedal. I tried to put my foot back on while I was laughing so hard, that I missed the right pedal, all my weight shifted to the right. If it wasn't for me grabbing the left handle at the last second, I would have encountered the most embarassing tumble to pavement in my life that I can remember. I laughed along with others in the gym as I retained myself on the bike. My workout was pretty much over with then. Thought I would share my death-defying experience from last night...
I hope not to repeat the near tragedy tonight when I go to workout. I do plan to ride the bike again. I'm beginning to like the bike. I used it yesterday to warm me up for the exercises I had planned with my lower body. I will do more cardio tonight and do some abs. I did abs last night and let me tell ya...NO JOY.....ALL PAIN.... I struggle to KRUNCH this miniature beer gut of mine to one day be able to say, "Hey, I got a six pack, and I don't mean a six pack of beer." I took the Kennedy yesterday and got to the fieldhouse quicker. Ladies and gentlemen, I have a new route. I have gotten comfortable with the gym room and the surroundings. I don't know about you bitches but that being comfortable with the gym room is very important to me.
Reach One.....
I received a email from a friend. I don't know if she reads my blog or not. She was talking about her weekend. All she did was work, sleep, and watch TV. Now it's not a problem with that because she has a very hectic schedule, but what got me thinkin' was that she typed she realized that she is boring as she was typing this email to me. I sat back in my high-tech rockin' chair and thought about this. Every time we talk on the phone, she is always amazed by me because I am always doing something at that time. From being on a boat, to D&B's, to poetry, to museums, and there are more, I can't remember the last time I talked to her from my apartment. So basically I told her in the email that she needs to spice it up a little. ***Grabs paprika, basil, lemon pepper, cajun seasoning*** I have told her in the past that she needs to set some time out for herself and get out. Told her that to get out and meet people, hang out with friends, do things to keep your mind off things. It's okay to make your schedule busy to whereas you can no longer breathe, but at least make sure that you put things like "Lounge, or Kickin' at friend's house, or going bowling, or going to a play" somewhere in it. There's no need to make yourself depressed and lonely. Sure I understand that people go through situations that only one could imagine **I am included**, BUT if for one second you can take your mind off of it by going to a jazz club, or going to a concert, or playin' spades **no French cuttin' please**, then DO IT!!!
Tonight's agenda:
1. Run like FUCK out the plantation.
2. Workout **No you work it!, No you work it!**
3. Go home.
4. Cook, clean, shower
5. Hop on computer
6. Open time???
7. Bed time!!!!
-Da Original 1-
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