Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Steps, Steps, and More Steps......

Hello everyone! Let's see how many steps you take on a daily basis.
Be honest with yourself.
No reason to lie to ya self.

Small Steps.....(Here.........we go!!!!!!!!)
**Note: The steps in BOLD are the steps that I currently do**

1. Walk to work. (YOU walk to work and see how YOU feel)

2. Use fat free milk over whole milk. (When I buy milk)

3. Do sit-ups in front of the TV. (and one, and two, and Go Bulls!!!)

4. Walk during lunch hour. (Sometimes)

5. Drink water before a meal. (All the time)

6. Eat leaner red meat & poultry. (I do now)

7. Eat half your dessert. (Has never happened,lol)

8. Walk instead of driving whenever you can. (Occasionally)

9. Take family walk after dinner.

10. Skate to work instead of driving. (Unless I skate for the "T-Birds or Violators")

11. Avoid food portions larger than your fist. (Now's that hard)

12. Mow lawn with push mower. (And have a stroke?)

13. Increase the fiber in your diet. (Doin' it, doin' it, doin' it well)

14. Walk to your place of worship instead of driving.

15. Walk kids to school. (Sorry no kids to walk)

16. Get a dog and walk it. (I'll walk your dog)

17. Join an exercise group. (Have thought about)

18. Drink diet soda. (Can't say that I do)

19. Replace Sunday drive with Sunday walk. (Depends on where I'm goin)

20. Do yard work. (If I'm at mom's)

21. Eat off smaller plates. (You can't be serious. You people know my appetite)

22. Get off a stop early & walk. (Yeah I do)

23. Don't eat late at night. (Uhh...Working on that as we speak)

24. Skip seconds. (What??? See #21)

25. Work around the house. (I have to. I live by myself)

26. Skip buffets. (Are you serious? See #21 again)

27. Grill, steam or bake instead of frying. (And doin' damn good at it)

28. Bicycle to the store instead of driving. (When the weather is warm)

29. Take dog to the park. (See #16)

30. Ask your doctor about taking a multi-vitamin. (I'll do that on next visit)

31. Go for a half-hour walk instead of watching TV. (I stay on the lakefront.)

32. Use vegetable oils over solid fats.

33. More carrots, less cake. (What about carrot cake though?)

34. Fetch the newspaper yourself. (Yeah I steal someone else's paper)

35. Sit up straight at work. (Very hard to do, but I somehow do it)

36. Wash the car by hand. (When it's warm outside)

37. Don't skip meals. ( Shit!....for the third time, see #21)

38. Eat more celery sticks. (And it's not just with buffalo wings)

39. Run when running errands. (Yeah I run alright)

40. Pace the sidelines at kids' athletic games. (No kids)

41. Take wheels off luggage.

42. Choose an activity that fits into your daily life. (Drinking beer, just kidding)

43. Park further from the store and walk. (No problem here)

44. Ask a friend to exercise with you. (I do)

45. Make time in your day for physical activity. (I can get physical)

46. Exercise with a video if the weather is bad. (Cardio......Yes! and a foul)

47. Bike to the barbershop or beauty salon instead of driving. (It's a no-go here)

48. Keep to a regular eating schedule. (Lookin good,lookin good I said)

49. If you find it difficult to be active after work, try it before work. (Not a problem)

50. Take a walk or do desk exercises instead of a cigarette or coffee break.

51. Perform gardening or home repair activities.

52. Avoid laborsaving devices.

53. Take small trips on foot to get your body moving. (Yes!)

54. Play with your kids 30 minutes a day. (You know what I'm gonna say)

55. Dance to music. (I am a dance and musik freak)

56. Keep a pair of comfortable walking or running shoes in your car and office. (I do)

57. Make a Saturday morning walk a group habit.

58. Walk briskly in the mall.

59. Choose activities you enjoy & you'll be more likely to stick with them. (So true)

60. Stretch before bed to give you more energy when you wake.

61. Take the long way to the water cooler.

62. Explore new physical activities. (I am, I always do)

63. Vary your activities, for interest and to broaden the range of benefits.

64. Reward and acknowledge your efforts. (Yeah, with sleep,lol)

65. Choose fruit for dessert. (Not tough on dessert)

66. Consume alcoholic beverages in moderation, if at all. (Hmm....)

67. Take stairs instead of the escalator. (Yeah, occasionally)

68. Conduct an inventory of your meal/snack and physical activity patterns.

69. Share an entree with a friend. (You should know #21 by memory now)

70. Grill fruits or vegetables. (The vegetable part, I'm doin)

71. Eat before grocery shopping. (Probably do)

72. Choose a checkout line without a candy display. (What line doesn't have one?)

73. Make a grocery list before you shop. (I'm doin it now little sister)

74. Buy 100% fruit juices over soda and sugary drinks. (Not hard for me to do)

75. Swim with your kids. (I'll teach your kids how to swim)

76. Flavor foods with herbs, spices, and other low fat seasonings. (I'm real good with that)

77. Remove skin from poultry before cooking to lower fat content. (Yeah, tryin)

78. Eat before you get too hungry. (You people know I will)

79. Don't skip breakfast. (Why would I?)

80. Stop eating when you are full. (You can comment on this for me)

81. Snack on fruits and vegetables. (Yeah, difficult but not impossible)

82. Top your favorite cereal with apples or bananas. (Not a cereal eater)

83. Try brown rice or whole-wheat pasta. (Brown rice is GOOD!)

84. Include several servings of whole grain food daily. (I do now)

85. When eating out, choose a small or medium portion. (Comment again)

86. If main dishes are too big, choose an appetizer or a side dish instead. (What dish is too big fo r me?)

87. Ask for salad dressing "on the side". (I actually do this)

88. Don't take seconds. (Don't take thirds should be #88)

89. Try your burger with just lettuce, tomato and onion. (I have cut down on burgers)

90. Try a green salad instead of fries. (At Wendy's I have, lol)

91. Bake or broil fish. (Very,very good to have it that way)

92. Walk instead of sitting around. (I do a lot)

93. Eat sweet foods in small amounts. (#21)

94. Take your dog on longer walks. (See #16)

95. Drink lots of water. (What I do the most on here)

96. Cut back on added fats or oils in cooking or spreads. (It's not easy people)

97. Walk the beach instead of sunbathing. (Again, I stay on the lakefront)

98. Walk to a co-worker's desk instead of emailing or calling them. (I talk to no one @ work)

99. Carry your groceries instead of pushing a cart. (Of course)

100. Use a snow shovel instead of a snow blower. (If I shovel mom's)

101. Cut high-calorie foods like cheese and chocolate into smaller pieces and only eat a few
pieces. (Does hershey's kisses count?)

102. Use nonfat or low-fat sour cream, mayo, sauces, dressings, and other condiments.

103. Replace sugar sweetened beverages with water and add a twist of lemon or lime. (You people know how much I LOVE lemon)

104. Replace high-saturated fat/high calorie seasonings with herbs grown in a small herb garden in your kitchen window. (Need a bigger kitchen)

105. Refrigerate prepared soups before you eat them. As the soup cools, the fat will rise to the top. Skim it off the surface for reduced fat content. (Never knew that, will try)

106. When eating out, ask your server to put half your entrée in a to-go bag. (See #21)

107. Substitute vegetables for other ingredients in your sandwich.

108. Every time you eat a meal, sit down, chew slowly, and pay attention to flavors and textures. (Wanted to put this bold, but then I would be lying to myself)

109. Try a new fruit or vegetable (ever had jicama, plantain, bok choy, starfruit or papaya?) (They're all good)

110. Make up a batch of brownies with applesauce instead of oil or shortening.

111. Instead of eating out, bring a healthy, low calorie lunch to work. (Will try one day)

112. Ask your sweetie to bring you fruit or flowers instead of chocolate. (She's almost 300 miles away, but I do love suprises!)

113. Speak up for the salad bar when your coworkers are picking a restaurant for lunch, and remember calories count, so pay attention to how much and what you eat. (It's da new year)

114. When walking, go up the hills instead of around them. (I run up them and slide down with a sled,oh....sorry, lol)

115. Walk briskly through the mall and shop 'til you drop ... pounds.

116. Clean your closet and donate clothes that are too big. (I clean closet)

117. Take your body measurements to gauge progress. (Not yet)

118. Buy a set of hand weights and play a round of Simon Says with your kids - you do it with the weights, they do it without. (I don't even watch American Idol)

-Da Original 1-


At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's jicama?

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Da Original 1 said...

Jicama, my anonymous one, is a vegetable. It is in the same family as the sweet potato. It is also referred to as a "yam beat root" or a "Mexican turnip". Jicamas can be cooked, steamed, broiled, mashed or fried(never had it fried though). You can also eat in raw(I had it raw once). Health-wise it is very low in starch and calories. It is a versatile vegetable that is used in many ways(fruit salads,dips,stir-fry,stews). You probably have seen a jicama before but just didn't know what it was.


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