Don't Ya Sometimes Just Sit Back and Wish......
"I wish I was a little bit taller,"
"I wish I was a baller,"
"I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her,"
"I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and six-four Impala!"
- Skee Lo-
I was thinking yesterday about something on my way home from work. Now this was about nine-somethin' in the morning. We were sent home due to a power outage. "Yes!!! And 1!" I was thinking about that I wish they would have told me that the power was out so I didn't have to waste a trip going all the way out there,lol....I meant gas could have been saved here. Hello? No, I was REALLY thinking about something on my way home, or someone. I was thinking about a friend of mine. Out of respect to him, I will NOT disclose his name. I have known him since 1993 I guess. He was pretty humble for the most part. You know, he went to church and stuff, high school, work, and all of the good things that teenagers get to do when they are teenagers, but as you know over time people do change. They change either for the worst or for the better. My friend has encountered some things in life that has made him a good person and also made him a not so good person(In some people's eyes). Everybody knows at least ONE person who has been blessed with numerous opportunities in life. More opportunities and breaks than yourself. You sit back and try to understand why does this person get all these opportunities when you have to work hard for everything that YOU want. I mean maybe you are not jealous, and I am not jealous of my friend, BUT why? What really hits home with me is that he has NOT taken advantages of all of his blessings. He makes one mistake after another it seems like. You look once and he's doing good and then you blink ;-1 and he does something out of character. So now you are banging yourself on the head wonderin' why. He is your friend, but you WISH that he would have made smarter decisions. He is very talented(and he doesn't even know it :-( ....). You want to see your friends do well. You want to help them if you can. Now I believe that he has gotten himself into a mess that I believe will be very difficult to get out of, and for the FIRST time in the lengthy period that I have known him, I cannot help with this situation. I feel bad but he constantly puts himself in these similar situations all the time, and I don't understand why and I WISH I did.
Which this leads me to the next thought I had(I'm at home,now). I WISH that I had a few of his opportunities. I didn't have things fall into my lap like he has. My mother had numerous jobs. She had the job that brought home the bacon(turkey I prefer,lol...), she had the job of being my mother, my father, my friend, my counselor(you get the POINT here). She also has pointed out to me that things didn't fall into in my lap, and like myself, didn't understand why. I WISH I knew the answer. I have a good idea why. I cannot look at that as "Things Not Falling Into My Lap For $800 Alex!" Different things fall into different people's laps! The greatest mother in the world fell into my lap. The second greatest mother in the world fell into my lap(For those who don't know who she is,that would be my sister). The opportunity of having good friends that will stand by you side by side fell into my lap. The opportunity of living life, breathing everyday, having fun fell into my lap. You see where I am going with this I hope. You have opportunities all the time, you just have to be able to identify them and acknowledge them. So maybe I should just sit back and WISH about being a bit taller, perhaps being a baller, or having a girl that look good so I can call her, and maybe having a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a six-four Impala. lol..........
-Da Original 1-
hello sir i just wanted to say that from the conversations that i have had with my dad and other people in my family, people like us/ you don't get everything put in their lap not beacuse we're unlucky. but because we handle it. it sucks but people who need more get more and people who can make their way, will. the upside of it all is that you grow and learn more from it then the next person. This is not to say that it is fair, but look at you now, you can almost alway land on your feet but can your friend say the same? I hope this doesn't sound like i am talking sh** because i'm not. i hope that your friend is okay but i also hope he sees that people can only help so much no matter how much they want to. It's a hard leason to learn i had to do it but i also have a better understanding of it all now. I think you know who this is i just didn't want to sigh up :)
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